Pourquoi les scientifiques s'inquietènt des incendies de l'Amazonie? article tire du journal Le Monde

Pourquoi les scientifiques s'inquietènt des incendies de l'Amazonie?

Le Monde Par Gary Dagon

27 août 2019

article tire du journal Le Monde

Les feux dans la forêt amazonienne ont presque doublé depuis l'année passée. Ils sont plus importants et plus fréquents et ils affectent sérieusement les ecosystemes les plus riches du monde. La première conséquence est le CO2 qui affecte le rechauffement du climat et menace la biodiversité irremplaçable de la forêt amazonienne qui représente 10% de la surface du globe et abrite 25% de la biodiversite qui est menacee d'extinction. Même la "reforestation" des forêts secondaires ne pourra remplacer les effets du "poumon de la planete". Personnellement, je pense que nous pouvons sauver notre planete en prenant nos responsabilites et en nous donnant la main globalement.

Why Do Scientists Worry about Fires in the Amazon?
Article in Le Monde by Gary Dagon
August 27, 2019

Fires in the Amazon rainforest have almost doubled since last year. They are larger and more frequent and seriously affect the richest ecosystems in the world. The first consequence is CO2, which affects the warming of the climate and threatens the irreplaceable biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest, which accounts for 10% of the Earth's surface and is home to 25% of the biodiversity that is threatened with extinction. Even the "reforestation" of secondary forests cannot replace the effects of the "lung of the planet". Personally, I think that we can save our planet by responsibly working together as a global community to address this issue.


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Matthew Burke
Hi! My name is Matthew, and I’m a 2020 Global Scholar at the Polytechnic School. I have been studying French at Poly for the past three years. A highlight of attending Poly has been the Global Initiatives Program. Through this program, our family has hosted students from Victor DuRuy and Saint Martin schools in France, as well as from Nirayama HS in Japan; I also have had the opportunity to visit France as part of this exchange program; our group travel blog is: http://polygipfrance.blogspot.com I am part of LaunchX Team Emergence. We are creating an environmentally conscious startup to increase the lifecycle of external power chargers and electrical cords, in an effort to protect our environment from e-waste. We will be heading to MIT on May 4, 2019, to compete as Global Finalists and will be pitching our business to gain funding and support. Follow us @cordrestored and visit us at www.cordrestored.com I hope to share my LaunchX experience as part of my Capstone Project.