Joe Wong: From Biochemist to Talk Show Host
On January 15, 2020, Joe Wong spent an hour in Garland Auditorium at the Polytechnic School delighting the audience with his sharp sense of humor, based on his keen insights gained from living both the China and the U.S. As the host of a Chinese talk show watched by millions, as well as a featured comedian on many national television comedy programs in the United States, Wong's path to stardom was unconventional. Born in mainland China, Wong studied molecular biology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and then moved to the United States as a graduate student at Rice University. Working as a biochemist by day in Boston, Dr. Wong tried out the comedy circuit as a hobby in the evenings and weekends. He honed his comedy skills and worked on finding his own style and found he had a knack for making audiences laugh. In 2010, Wong was named Boston Comedian of the Year. As his career took off, he was featured on the Letterman Late Night Show, as well as the Ellen DeGeneres Show, enabling Dr. Wong to take up comedy as a full-time career.
The audience was particularly interested in the differences in comedy material presented to audiences in mainland China as compared with the United States. People were also very interested in how Dr. Wong discovered his talent in comedy and his recommendations for future aspiring comedians (e.g., don't quit your day job, find your inner voice). Someone also asked Wong to share an example of a joke that was popular in China by translating it into English, which was interesting. All in all, we learned a lot about intercultural differences, finding your inner voice and developing your talents, and that your career path may change in dramatic and unexpected ways over your lifetime.
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