Poly Global Scholar Program - Reflection
After several years of French, I could read and write, but struggled to speak, feeling awkward with the strange sounds. French does not come as easily to me as math or computer programming. To challenge myself beyond my comfort zone, I decided to apply to become a Global Scholar through the Global Initiatives Program at the Polytechnic School. The Global Scholars Program is by application, and to complete the program requires taking four years of a foreign language, completing extra coursework with a global focus (such as International Relations and Economics), participating in events hosted by the GIP (some of which are outlined in this blog), attendance in a cultural exchange/study abroad program, as well as a Senior Capstone Project. As part of GIP, in my freshman year, my family hosted an exchange student named Elias, and I then stayed with his family in Paris. Elias’s family introduced me not only to Parisian but also to Algerian culture. We cooked couscous and drank mint...